Aging is Living!
Be a part of the shifting mind set
surrounding care for older adults.
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Annual General Meeting Invitation
Aging is Living! Be a part of the shifting mind set surrounding care for older adults.View All Advocacy Dementia Education Family & Friends Council Who We Follow Nanaimo District Senior Citizens’ Housing Development Society You are...
Update to visiting in Long-Term Care and Assisted Living – October 3, 2023
Aging is Living! Be a part of the shifting mind set surrounding care for older adults.View All Advocacy Dementia Education Family & Friends Council Who We Follow Please review the letter below from Lori Walker, Executive Director of...
Therapeutic Garden Horticulture Space
Aging is Living! Be a part of the shifting mind set surrounding care for older adults.View All Advocacy Dementia Education Family & Friends Council Who We Follow Kiwanis Village is engaging in a community-led design process to install...
Culture Change, Wisdom and Education
Learning and sharing knowledge, growing in our understanding, adding perspectives and even changing our minds takes courage, persistence and an ability to cultivate a curious mind, stand back and be open to listening.
Ted Talk by Dr. William H. Thomas
Dr. Bill Thomas is a person I’d love to share dinner with. His message motivates me to be a better administrator. His knowledge, courage, global perspectives and activism, wrapped in a great sense of humour, help me to apprentice myself within a new dimension where healthcare seeks humanity.
Ted Talk by Ashton Applewhite
As a not for profit organization who is less about profit and more about providing care and provoking thoughts, ‘waking up and smelling the ensure’ is a tongue in cheek comment (not mine) that allows us to consider the merit of studies that support the notion that people who have negative attitudes about aging…