Kiwanis Village is proud to serve the Nanaimo community with funded respite care. 11 comfortable rooms offer nursing, dining and hospitality services within our existing Long Term Care spaces. Recreation programming creates opportunities for connection, inclusion and personal well-being. Respite Care supports care givers as they support their loved ones, offering time to recoup and renew. Guests can book through Island Health for short or longer stays.

Eligibility For Respite Care

I qualify for respite care based on Island Health criteria I am medically stable and have a family caregiver living in the Nanaimo region I require 24 hour nursing support

How much do I Pay

Pricing is determined by Island Health and is generally the minimum daily rate for Long-term care.

Tour Respite

Tours of Kiwanis Lodge respite require a reservation and are offered on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Tours can be booked at

How respite Care Can Help

For more information about respite beds or other services for seniors and caregivers, talk to your doctor or visit

To find out how respite care may help you, please call Island Health Home and Community Care – 250-739-5749 or reach out to your Island Health case worker.

The role of the caregiver is invaluable.

It is also demanding and sometimes all-consuming. Respite at Kiwanis provides support for caregivers who may be going on vacation, require medical support themselves or quite simply need to take some time for rest and relief.